05 July 2007


It's probably no secret that we've been getting a lot of rain here in South East Texas for the past week or so. Everything is drenched, levys are overflowing, rivers are overflowing, and the ground is so saturated that the water just floats on top. Luckily, we haven't had it anywhere near as bad as our neighboring cities and states.

Anyway, the whole point to this post is to share with you an experience that I had at 3AM today. DRUM ROLL......I actually heard the rain coming. It was so freaky.

I couldn't sleep so I got up to let the dogs out. Then I heard what sounded like a really strong wind. But when I looked around, there weren't any trees moving. The sound got louder, the dogs ran to the back door, and I'm standing there saying out load, "what the **** is that noise?!?!"

I must have looked completely dumb-founded staring out into space. Then BAM!!!!!! Here comes the water. It fell so fast and so hard the a huge bucket might have been dumped from my roof.

As it beat down on the driveway I just stood there looking at it with a smile on my face. All I could think of was, WOW! realizing just how far it had to fall before it got here. And being amazed the it fell so hard that I could hear it coming. Too cool!

Now, I have to go put the mulch back in my flower beds. LOL.



Charlene ♥ NC said...

Don't you just love awesome nature?

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Oh that is just so cool. Gave me goosebumps. We have not gotten nearly the rain that ya'll have.

Gerry said...

I'm just tickled to know I'm not too old to experience something new. LOL!