31 October 2012

CQJP 2012 - Aug. - Oct. Blocks

Finally! I'm caught up on my CQJP 2012 blocks. And none too soon, considering it's the very last day of October.

August Block:

October Block:

September Block:

Until Next time...Happy Needling!!!


04 October 2012

Victorian Ladies DYB - Round One

Connie's blocks are the first to arrive at my house in this DYB. And this is the block that I chose to work on.

Connie's blocks are made to form a circle when finished. The 'wedge' that I chose sits at the top, center of the circle. The photos on her blocks are all women in her family, who lived in the Victorian Era. This particular lady is named Valentine.

This is a photo of the work Cathy did on my block. She said that the purple lady spoke to her, and she has done a lovely job with it!

Well, I just received Lisa's blocks in the mail. It's time to chose one and get started on it!

Until Next time...Happy Needling!!!
